- Medically-I am feeling much, much better. I finished my antibiotics and I can hear, see, and walk clearly again. Thank God for modern medicine!
- Parties-I had a pretty busy weekend with my son's fourth birthday party, my brother-in-law's birthday party, and a tuition fundraiser for a friend of the family. I am glad all of my kid's birthdays are over for the year, cuz having a party every month can be very hectic.
- Professionally-OK, so technically I don't have a job, but I like to think of myself as a full time mother and author. The mothering is always a joy, and the authoring is coming along swimmingly! I am on chapter three of my novel, and have somewhere around 10 pages completed on my short story. I have been reading a lot, trying to suck in all the knowledge I can so that, hopefully, I can finish a novel this year and get published. It's a huge goal, but I think I am up to the task. =)
- School- School is almost out for the summer, and I am so excited, but also apprehensive about having all the kids home everyday, yikes! I am looking forward to summer vacation, though. My oldest son will be starting football, and I will be doing summer school with the kids, a tradition we started last year. I know you guys are probably thinking I am a mean mom to make my kids do summer school, but they love it. They are already asking me about it, and they would kill me if I decided not to do it.
- Politics-I have to mention this, because it is a hot button issue in my family. I am so so so sick of my family's obsession with all matters political! I can use a weekly update, and I'm cool. I don't see the point in watching CNN, or FoxNews (these guys making me want to pull out my hair) all day. Every time I get in my mother's car, she is listening to talk radio. Enough already! Not to mention the fact that my mother is a right-wing extremist who seems to be pulled more and more to the right every day. I can't take it any more! OK, I've vented, that's all I needed to do. =)
Overall, I have had a great week. Hope you guys have had a great one as well!
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