Don Quixote is out of his mind!

Monday, May 4, 2009
Before I started reading Don Quixote, I didn't know anything about the story at all. I decided I wanted to read a few classics, so that is what I started with. I thought I was going to have to force myself through it.

I was wrong, Don Quixote is hilarious! He is literally out of his ever-loving mind! I was laughing out loud, which I didn't expect. I could just picture a crazy old man in a homemade suite of armor pacing back in forth in front of a horse trough.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the story, it is about a man from Spain in his fifties who decides he is going to be a knight. After reading so many stories about knighthood and chivalry, he has completely immersed himself into that imaginary world.

It's sad really. Nowadays a man like that would be committed.

Anyhoo, I just finished reading a chapter, and it was the highlight of my day so far, so I wanted to share.

Let me know if you have read this book, and what your thoughts on it are.


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