So, I haven't had much time lately to watch T.V., though I have a whole bunch of shows on the DVR ready and waiting to watch. I have been busy reading, writing, learning how to design web sites, taking care of my kids, and volunteering at the school.
However, I did catch American Idol and Grey's Anatomy this week, so I will give you guys the scoop, and my thoughts.
American Idol has been great this year! I have been more impressed with the talent this season than any other. I have also thought that, for the most part, the right person has gotten the boot each week.

I was kind of disappointed with this week's elimination however. I thought Allison and Adam should have been dueling it out rocker-style in the finals, but I think her reaction to the judges criticism is what did her in.
I don't think it comes across well to the viewers when the contestants get lippy with the judges. Poor Allison, I think she was just really get frustrated with the whole process, but she'll do well in the industry anyway. She is just too good to not get signed.
So now we have Chris, Adam, and Danny left. I think they are all great musicians, but Adam has just consistently been the most original and flawless performer. I really hope he wins.

Now for Greys Anatomy. I really hope Izzy's character is not killed off. She is crazy, but I like her.
I think Alex has some issues to work out before he is really going to be a good match for anyone. He seems like the kind of guy that will love you when he thinks you are going to die, but what happens when you don't die, and he realizes that he is stuck with you for life?
I'm afraid of that scenario, but I hope it works out for Izzy.
Well, that's all I really watched this week. Twilighters check back on Monday for a week in Twilight update!
Have a great weekend!
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