A Personal Note...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Hey every one! Happy Wednesday! Here is a quick rundown on what's going on in my crazy world this week.

  • Medically-I am feeling much, much better. I finished my antibiotics and I can hear, see, and walk clearly again. Thank God for modern medicine!

  • Parties-I had a pretty busy weekend with my son's fourth birthday party, my brother-in-law's birthday party, and a tuition fundraiser for a friend of the family. I am glad all of my kid's birthdays are over for the year, cuz having a party every month can be very hectic.

  • Professionally-OK, so technically I don't have a job, but I like to think of myself as a full time mother and author. The mothering is always a joy, and the authoring is coming along swimmingly! I am on chapter three of my novel, and have somewhere around 10 pages completed on my short story. I have been reading a lot, trying to suck in all the knowledge I can so that, hopefully, I can finish a novel this year and get published. It's a huge goal, but I think I am up to the task. =)

  • School- School is almost out for the summer, and I am so excited, but also apprehensive about having all the kids home everyday, yikes! I am looking forward to summer vacation, though. My oldest son will be starting football, and I will be doing summer school with the kids, a tradition we started last year. I know you guys are probably thinking I am a mean mom to make my kids do summer school, but they love it. They are already asking me about it, and they would kill me if I decided not to do it.

  • Politics-I have to mention this, because it is a hot button issue in my family. I am so so so sick of my family's obsession with all matters political! I can use a weekly update, and I'm cool. I don't see the point in watching CNN, or FoxNews (these guys making me want to pull out my hair) all day. Every time I get in my mother's car, she is listening to talk radio. Enough already! Not to mention the fact that my mother is a right-wing extremist who seems to be pulled more and more to the right every day. I can't take it any more! OK, I've vented, that's all I needed to do. =)

Overall, I have had a great week. Hope you guys have had a great one as well!

Twilight Monday

Monday, May 18, 2009
Happy Monday everyone!

There have been some interesting news in the Twilight Universe this week. You can find all of the my updates and more at twilightlexicon.com.

  • Jackson Rathbone just finished a photo shoot for his role as Sokka in The Last Airbender. Click on the image below to view all photos from his shoot.

  • The Bella Cullen Project is having a casting call for their New Moon inspired video. Go to mockturtleproductions.com for more details.

  • The MTV Movie Award will be debuting New Moon clips during the show this year. Kristen Stewart, Rob Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner are all up for awards and will be presenting the clip.

  • Twilight Lexicon has announced a winner for Edward's New Moon theme song. Haunted by Kelly Clarkson won with over 7000 votes.

If you are a huge twilightguy (aka Kaleb Nation) fan check out twilightguy.com for his most recent Breaking Dawn chapter post, as well as kalebnation.com where he has an update on the latest blurb he has received about his book, The Farfield Curse.

Have a great week everyone, and check back on Wednesday for my Personal Notes.

Week in Television

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Happy Friday every one! TGIF!

I have been so, so busy lately with my writing, reading, and researching, I haven't had the time to watch many shows. I did manage to catch a few this week, and they have all been so great!

The networks are starting to wrap up their seasons, which makes me really sad. But, it means that the shows have been getting really good lately.

  • Grey's Anatomy- OMG! The John Doe is George! I know it's the season finale, but did they really have to end it like that? And Alex is a little too intense sometimes. I worry about what kind of husband he will be IF Izzy doesn't die. I get that he was upset about her condition, and he didn't think that she would remember what he said, but you just don't yell at a person who just had surgery to remove a brain tumor! Can't wait for next season!

  • Greek- I am really upset with Rusty, but at the same time, I feel bad for him. He crushes like a girl- that is to say, he doesn't like just anyone, so when he does like someone he is serious about it. It really sucks for him that Andy got to Jordan before he did, because I think she would have been into Rusty. Rusty found himself in the "friend zone", and now he's "that guy" who kisses his friend's girlfriend! Poor Rusty.

  • Criminal Minds- I love this show, especially with hotty Shemar Moore (umm...hello Mr. Moore). This week's episode was intense with the Anthrax scare and Reid almost dying. This was the type of episode that makes you kiss your babies, and thank your lucky stars if you don't have to ride the subway every day.

  • American Idol- I think the voters made the right choice this week by voting off Danny Gokey . I was kinda afraid he was going to win. I think the final should have been between Allison and Adam, but I do like Chris. I think Adam is a better performer, but I would probably buy Chris' album before I would buy Adam's. Still, I hope Adam wins, because he has been the most consistent performer.

Well, I think that's all I had time to watch this week.

On a personal note, I am really happy with the progress I have been making with my novel. I have started the third chapter, and the only problem I have been having is that there are not enough hours in the day to write!

I hope you all have a great weekend, and I will be blogging again on Monday with Twilight and Kaleb Nation news updates.

A Peronal Note

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Happy Wednesday everyone!

As some of you may be aware, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis last year. I woke up on April 17, 2008 with decreased motor function on my left side. Living in Kentucky at the time, I was forced to quite my job, leave my home, and move back with my parents.

I have fully recovered since that first outbreak, but this past year spent away from work and with my children has really given time to analyze my life and slow down. I am writing, which is something I have always been good at, but never would have had the time to pursue.

I have spent most of the past year donating my time to my children's elementary school, and have had a blast surrounding by all the wonderful kids there.

This past week has been a difficult one for me. I began to go deaf in one ear, then my vision started to blur, and finally my balance was off and I was falling toward my left side.

The good news is that all of these new symptoms maybe from an ear infection, so I am hoping that ten days of antibiotics will clear up these newly progressed symptoms. I am already noticing improvement in my eyesight.

Anyway, I debated whether or not I should write all of this for the world to see, and maybe I'm not making the greatest decision.

However, I owe a lot to my MS, and I wanted to share what I have been going through. For the most part, I don't have any symptoms that impair my ability to carry out daily functions, I get to spend way more time with my kids, and I have had an opportunity to really explore what it is I want to do with the rest of my life.

I am on chapter two of my novel, and I am feeling really good about it so far. I have revised and posted my poetry on my web site http://www.sarahlenorewright.com/, and I have also been working on short stories to list on amazon.com.

Please visit my web site, check out my work, and sign my guestbook! I welcome all the support I can get in my new ventures, and I will keep you all updated on my health and progress with my writing.

Happy hump day!

For more information on Multiple Sclerosis, please visit the National MS Society's web site at http://www.nationalmssociety.org/.

Twilight/Kaleb Nation Update

Monday, May 11, 2009
Hey everyone!

It's Monday, and that means it's time for our Twilight/Kaleb Nation update!

For those of you who don't know, Kaleb Nation is an author and creator of twilightguy.com, a very popular web site within the Twilight fandom.

First of all, I would like to congratulate Kaleb for getting two enthusiastic blurbs for his upcoming book Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse! To view Kaleb's blurbs go to http://www.kalebnation.com/. Kaleb's book is being released 9-9-09, and I wish him the best of luck with his debut novel.

Now for Twilight news!

  • Twilight stars are supporting the Make-A-Wish foundation via a Vampire Baseball game in Portland, Oregon. Click here for more details.

  • Robert Pattinson may be up for a role in the latest Dune film set to hit the big screen in 2010.

  • If you love Jackson Rathbone, check out this video from ET Canada which features Jackson and his band 100 Monkeys. Click here to check out the video.

  • Mike Welch fans may be interested to know that he has been working on several indie films including Lost Dream which premiered on May 7th. Click here to find out more about what Mike Welch has been up to.

  • Twilight Lexicon is conducting a song poll for the upcoming movie New Moon. Go to http://www.twilightlexicon.com/ to vote for which song you think best represents New Moon.

Check out these stories and more at http://www.twilightlexicon.com/.

Happy Monday everyone. I will be blogging again on Wednesday!

American Idol and Grey's Anatomy

Friday, May 8, 2009
Happy Friday everyone!

So, I haven't had much time lately to watch T.V., though I have a whole bunch of shows on the DVR ready and waiting to watch. I have been busy reading, writing, learning how to design web sites, taking care of my kids, and volunteering at the school.

However, I did catch American Idol and Grey's Anatomy this week, so I will give you guys the scoop, and my thoughts.

American Idol has been great this year! I have been more impressed with the talent this season than any other. I have also thought that, for the most part, the right person has gotten the boot each week.

I was kind of disappointed with this week's elimination however. I thought Allison and Adam should have been dueling it out rocker-style in the finals, but I think her reaction to the judges criticism is what did her in.

I don't think it comes across well to the viewers when the contestants get lippy with the judges. Poor Allison, I think she was just really get frustrated with the whole process, but she'll do well in the industry anyway. She is just too good to not get signed.

So now we have Chris, Adam, and Danny left. I think they are all great musicians, but Adam has just consistently been the most original and flawless performer. I really hope he wins.

Now for Greys Anatomy. I really hope Izzy's character is not killed off. She is crazy, but I like her.

I think Alex has some issues to work out before he is really going to be a good match for anyone. He seems like the kind of guy that will love you when he thinks you are going to die, but what happens when you don't die, and he realizes that he is stuck with you for life?

I'm afraid of that scenario, but I hope it works out for Izzy.

Well, that's all I really watched this week. Twilighters check back on Monday for a week in Twilight update!

Have a great weekend!

I'm Terrified of Weight-in Day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
So, I have been working hard to lose weight this whole year (OK...maybe not that hard). I have been watching what I eat, but ever since Easter, I have been struggling a bit. This week, I let it all hang out (so to speak), and ate like a pig.

Tomorrow is weigh-in day, and I am totally anticipating a weight gain. I am hoping that I will be able to get in the right mindset starting tomorrow. I am halfway to a weight that I would be extremely happy with, so hopefully I can put this one week vacation from dieting behind me and continue to lose weight starting next week. Sort of like a spring break from dieting.

Wish me luck on the next week guys! I could use all the luck and best wishes I can get!

Don Quixote is out of his mind!

Monday, May 4, 2009
Before I started reading Don Quixote, I didn't know anything about the story at all. I decided I wanted to read a few classics, so that is what I started with. I thought I was going to have to force myself through it.

I was wrong, Don Quixote is hilarious! He is literally out of his ever-loving mind! I was laughing out loud, which I didn't expect. I could just picture a crazy old man in a homemade suite of armor pacing back in forth in front of a horse trough.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the story, it is about a man from Spain in his fifties who decides he is going to be a knight. After reading so many stories about knighthood and chivalry, he has completely immersed himself into that imaginary world.

It's sad really. Nowadays a man like that would be committed.

Anyhoo, I just finished reading a chapter, and it was the highlight of my day so far, so I wanted to share.

Let me know if you have read this book, and what your thoughts on it are.

Who's got my baby?!

Friday, May 1, 2009
What would you do if your fertility doctor told you that she mistakenly implanted someone else's baby into your uterus?

What if your doctor also told you that your baby was being carried by the real mother of the baby you were carrying...?

...whew, I need to pause to catch my breath...

That is exactly what happened on an episode of Private Practice last night.

The problem that I have with this scenario is not that there was a mix up with the embryos. Invetro fertilization, though a wonderful technology for those who can not conceive on their own, is not a natural process. It is a human process, and thus susceptible to human error.

My problem was with one of the mothers (lets call the mothers "mom A" and "mom B"). As soon as "mom A" found out that the baby she was carrying wasn't hers, she decided she was going to abort the baby and begin the IVF process again, without any regard for how "mom B" would feel about it.

"Mom B" did not want to abort the babies. She thought they should deliver the babies and give each back to the correct mother at birth. She was obviously appalled by the idea of "mom A" wanting to abort her baby, but she thought she could deal with that as long as she was allowed to keep the baby she was carrying.

Of course, "mom A", could not handle the idea of another woman raising her child, so she told "momB" that that was out of the question.

Ok, I know you guys are all reading this going, huh....? How selfish!

My feelings exactly.

Now...mistakes happen, and, yes, this was a pretty big one, but to tell someone you are going to abort their baby is horrible enough. Telling them that they can't keep the baby they are carrying is just adding insult to injury. I would have definitely been exchanging some very choice words with "mommy A" about her inconsiderate, selfish, wanting-her-cake-and-eat-it-too, self.

In the end, "mom A" came to her senses and decided they could carry their babies to full term and switch them at birth (wasn't that the obvious solution?).

Anyway, I guess I wanted to share this situation, because I thought it was crazy. I would also like to ask everyone if they have ever been in a situation with someone as selfish as "mom A"?

If so, did you lay any choice words on them, or did you bite your tongue and curse them in private?

Let me know...

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