I'm Totally Scared! Can't You Hear Me Screaming?

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Ooh it's Thursday! Which means it's almost Friday, which means it's almost the weekend, which means it's almost time to...sit around and not do much of anything, cuz I don't have any plans.

It's alright. One thing that is certain about my life? There is never a dull moment.

I'd actually like to go see Water for Elephants this weekend for three reasons:

  1. Robert Pattinson—I think we all know how I feel about Twilight. Gotta support Edward in all that he does.

  2. Reese Witherspoon—I have loved Reese ever since she was in Cruel Intentions. Sure she stole my future husband (Ryan Phillipe), but that's ok. They're divorced now, so I think it's time to let that be water under the bridge.

  3. It's based on a bestselling novel—I have to support my fellow novelists in their successes. One day when my many novels are transformed from the New York Times Best Sellers List to the big screen, I would definitely appreciate the support of as many people as possible (wink, wink).

    I just love that author's name! She forgot to run it through spell check though.

Anyway, the last movie I saw was Scream 4, and I have to say I enjoyed it in all of its corny glory. I think it was a nice tribute to the original, which I loved more than words can express to you. It was scary, yet funny! It was scarunny!

I mean, I'm a girl who likes funny, and that movie had me rolling-on-the-floor-laughing!

“Billy, you cut me too deep. I really think I'm dyin' here!” --Mathew Lillard as Stuart

I also enjoy the fact that the movie gives a lot of nods to Michigan. Mathew Lillard was born in Lansing, and the fourth movie was filmed right here in Ann Arbor. I absolutely love the idea of the filming industry coming to Michigan. I think it could really help our economy.

One thing I learned in school while studying the Great Depression is that people will always pay to be entertained no matter how poor they are. I can tell you from experience, that is so true! I barely have two pennies to rub together, and I can't tell you how many movies I've seen in the past year.

Since moving to the Ann Arbor area in July, I have noticed that someone in local or state government is definitely making a conscious effort to have some major motion pictures filmed in our city. We've had Richard Gere, Scream, Ryan Gosling, and George Clooney filming here, and those are just the ones I can mention off the top of my head.

So, hats off to those of you who are making this happen for us. Now, can we work on getting Motown back? That would be excellent.


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